On Friday IPG Media Lab and 140 Proof published a report about how people manage their social profiles across multiple channels. There were several important findings we as marketers should understand. At a high level, the research finds that a majority of US adults are active on multiple networks, but they use each one with …
Category Archive: Facebook
Oct 31
A Case of the Mondays Spooktacular
Halloween is one of my favorite holidays! I love getting dressed up and pretending to be someone else for a day. It makes me happy to see how excited my nephews get about their costumes and trick-or-treating. I’m impressed with the creative and unique costumes with pop culture references, like the Allstate Mayhem guy or …
Sep 12
3 Strategies to Increase Engagement on Facebook
This post was first published on the Banyan Branch blog. With more than 750 million users, every brand wants a piece of the Facebook pie. According to a recentpoll conducted by Mashable, the primary goal of social media is to increase Facebook “Likes.” 35% of the respondents said their main goal of 2011 is trying …
May 26
Gleeks are More Social than You
This post was first published on the Banyan Branch blog Since the pilot episode first aired on May 19, 2009, FOX’s dramedy phenomenon Glee has united the show’s fans, better known as Gleeks. Something about reliving the drama of high school, set to remakes of classic songs and the latest hits, seems to strike a chord with thousands …